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Date: Sept 06 - Sept 08, 2024

The B.R.A.K.E.S. Teen Pro-Active Driver Training is a free, advanced driving school, for teenagers 15-19 ,who have a learner’s permit or driver’s license with at least 30 hours of driving experience. B.R.A.K.E.S. teaches teens defensive driving techniques on a closed curriculum in a controlled environment.

The day begins with a brief review of some basic driving topics including; proper seating position, hand positioning, and basic vehicle dynamics. After finishing the classroom portion, the teens receive hands-on training in 5 courses including; crash avoidance/slalom, distraction, panic stop, wheel drop, and car control.

B.R.A.K.E.S. works closely with the department of transportation and the local and state police to determine which curriculums will be the most beneficial for teen drivers. The curriculum and training provided are reflective of the most current data on teen automobile crashes and fatalities.

The B.R.A.K.E.S. Teen Driver Training is designed to train and educate teenage drivers and their parents about the importance of safe and responsible driving.

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